(March 17, 2020)
Dear Central Family:
Dear Central Family:
Due to COVID-19 concerns and rapidly changing information from the CDC and our local governments, we are making the following changes in schedule:
(1) We will not have service this Sunday. You can view a recorded service on our facebook or through our website. The recommendation is that people not gather in groups and we need to comply with those in authority. We will continue to keep you informed through the Central Scoop and facebook. It is highly likely we will not be meeting on Wednesday nights for awhile.
(2) The church office will be open from 10-2 Monday through Thursday with a skeleton crew in the office so that we can continue the business of the church. Please do not “just stop by” to chat. We are trying to keep our distance so that we can stay healthy to serve you. This is subject to change. Please call 918-272-3376 before making a trip to the office. We will be returning calls and emails when we are in the office. If you have an emergency, please private message Debbie Dalaeli.
Central has been so faithful in giving to the church for ministry and we ask that you continue to give even though we are unable to meet together. Our bills will continue to come in. We are able to receive offerings through our website, app, or by texting CBCOWASSO $100(insert amount, this is an example) to 732-56. Many in our church family have already set up online giving for the convenience but this might be a good time to set it up.
You may also mail your offering to Central Baptist Church, 9001 N 145 E Ave, Owasso, OK 74055 if you are unable to attend. We appreciate your continued faithfulness that allows us to minister in our community and beyond.
You may also mail your offering to Central Baptist Church, 9001 N 145 E Ave, Owasso, OK 74055 if you are unable to attend. We appreciate your continued faithfulness that allows us to minister in our community and beyond.
Please keep in contact with others in your small group and those you normally visit with at church. You can’t catch the virus through a phone call, text, or email. We have several younger members who have volunteered to help others. If you have the desire to be added to the list of those who could help, please reply to this email. This is an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
As believers we are called to serve and share the love of Jesus. Over the coming days be aware of opportunities to share your faith and help provide for the needs of others. As a church, you have been very generous in giving to our food pantry which has enabled us to buy additional food to those who contact us in need. We have several volunteers who are willing to deliver or meet people to hand out food. Please email debbie.dalaeli@cbcowasso.orgor call the church office 918-272-3376 and you will be contacted about delivery/pick-up. This offer extends not only to church members but also to our Owasso and Collinsville community.
Things are changing daily and sometimes hourly. We are committed to keeping you informed as we are able. Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord. Psalm 31: 24
In His Service,
Your Central Staff