On Nov 15th CBC will host its third Orphan Sunday. Whether you are in person or online we’ll share an incredible message and how we can come together for orphaned children around the world.

Our guest speaker for our services is Anyway Mupesewa. Anyway is a church-planter, who has a passion for the impoverished lost. He was born and raised in Zimbabwe, Africa. 

At 11 years old, he lost his parents and was admitted into an orphanage a year later. He was under the care of the orphanage from 2000-2014. 

He graduated from Johnson University with BA 2014’ and MA 2018’ (TN). 

He is married to Maegan and they have an 18 month old daughter named Ruvheneko (Ruvy), which means ‘giver of light’ in one of Anyway’s native languages. 

Their family is in the process of relocating to Zimbabwe to continue with their church planting ministry, which has so far planted two churches.

#OrphanSunday2020 #ProjectHopeWorldwide #HopeForTheHopeless #OrphanNoMore